Meter Operator Contracts (MOP)

Meter Operator Contracts (MOP), Data Collection (DC), and Data Aggregation (DA)

It is mandated that all electricity meters are managed by a Meter Operator (MOP) and a current valid MOP contract is a legal requirement. Their role is to install, manage, maintain, and upgrade electricity meters.

Amongst meter operator responsibilities is a duty to carry out a health and safety and security inspection every two years. All electricity meters are replaced on a rolling schedule to ensure they meet current legislation and given the continuing development of smart meters and SMETS2 meters this is occurring on a regular basis.

Meter operators (MOP) operate in a competitive market which means they are appointed at the discretion of either the supplier or the customer.

Electricity meters fall into 2 distinct categories, Half Hourly and Non-Half-Hourly and are based on Measurement Class.

NHH Meters

There is no requirement for Meter Operator contracts for NHH meters as they are appointed by the energy supplier; however, HH meter customers are able to select their own MOP and it is recommended that a business chooses their own.

NHH meters do not record data at half-hourly intervals and generally only send consumption details for 1 month at a time.  The government’s Smart Meter program is seeking to increase this frequency, but HH metering offer the highest level of data collection.


For businesses with a Half Hourly (00 Profile) meter installed, you are obliged to have a Meter Operator contract and if you don’t bother to select one then your electricity supplier will appoint one on your behalf. This may not be to your benefit, particularly if you wish to manage your energy.

MOP agreements generally last 5 years and are a distinct, separate cost, sometimes collected through your electricity bill or directly by your meter operator (MOP).  They can range in price from £220 to £500 per annum, depending on the type of HH supply.

Get A Quote Now.

Our experienced consultants can help you select the best Meter Operator contract for your circumstances.

Please note: If you have entered into a Meter Operator agreement directly with a Meter Operator you should be sure to inform your electricity supplier, particularly if you change to a new supplier, as it is not unknown for customers to be charged once by the new supplier and separately by the MOP. Even if this doesn’t occur, a new electricity supplier will often appoint their favoured MOP whilst you are currently in a direct MOP contract. The result of this is a loss of consumption detail.

There is a real opportunity for HH meter customers to reduce their meter costs whilst also improving their reporting. A widely maintained practice is for Energy Suppliers to include MOP and DC charges within their electricity supply agreement pricing at the contract renewal stage. These costs can become hidden within the overall billing charges. Arranging a direct MOP agreement with an accredited MOP can work out cheaper and deliver greater benefits.

Managing a Meter Operator agreement can be tedious with inadvertent transfers to unintended meter operators resulting in loss of data and potential double billing.

MOP contracts are in significantly wider use following Ofgem’s P272 initiative which has effectively lowered to threshold for HH classification.  Whilst the benefits of HH metering, in conjunction with Energy Management, are well established, the cost of HH metering may not be so welcome, particularly for small consumers who have found themselves swept up into HH classification.

Meter Operators

Can I choose my own Meter Operator?

You can select your own Meter Operator Agreement and it can be beneficial to choose a meter operator not associated with any particular energy supplier. There are wide differences in pricing with contract terms between 1 and 5 years.

Half Hourly (HH) Meters

What is the difference between a Half hourly and a Non-Half-Hourly electricity meter?

Originally, Half-Hourly meters were only required for large electricity supplies with a demand of 100 kVa or over. Smaller supplies, such as domestic, or small commercial were classified as NHH..

HH meters are designed to record consumption every 30 minutes. Once recorded, the information is stored and then relayed to the Data Collector on a daily basis.. This is incredibly helpful, and it provides a treasure trove of information for businesses intent on reducing their electricity consumption.

How do I know if I have a Half-Hour electricity meter?

Every electricity supply is allocated a Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) and you can find your profile class there. Your MPAN should be printed on your electricity bill.

The Profile for Half-Hourly meters is 00:

Get a MOP Quote now!

Do I need a new Half Meter Installing?

Before installing a Half Hourly meter you will need to enter into a MOP contract with an accredited Meter Operator.

We can organise your HH meter installation anywhere in the UK through either a rental or purchase option. We can also arrange for your Data Collection and Data Aggregation services at the same time.

The purpose of your HH meter is to provide data that helps to balance demand on the national grid as well as providing your energy supplier the data with which to bill you. This data is also available to you, the customer, to help you reduce your energy consumption by using an energy management program. Your data is handled in 2 ways. Firstly, it is collected by your Data Collector (DC) and forwarded to your energy supplier, and, if you wish, to your energy management program for energy management purposes.

What is a Data Collector (DC)?

Data Collectors are accredited by Elexon to collect HH electricity consumption data. They are responsible for collecting and validating it before forwarding it to your DA and to your supplier.

You are at liberty to choose your own DC collector, providing they have the appropriate accreditation.  If you choose your own Meter Operator you should also select your own DC/DA. It is customary to enter into a DC/DA contract at the same time you select your Meter Operator.

Secondly, your data is sent to your Data Aggregator (normally the same company as the DC).

What is Data Aggregation (DA)?

Your HH Data Aggregator is tasked with forwarding your consumption data to Elexon for aggregation and balancing purposes. Elexon run the wholesale electricity market in the UK and are responsible for the Balancing and Settling of the UK electricity market.

Get a MOP, DC/DA Quote now!

We use the most up-to-date metering technology enabling your business to manage and reduce energy consumption.

Fully accredited Half Hourly Meter Installation, management, and maintenance.

Our MOP Contract Service

Compare MOP Contract Prices and terms and Conditions

Compare MOP Contract Prices and terms and Conditions

There is a wide variety of pricing from MOP contracts and it pays to shop around.

Data Collection, Data Aggregation and Consumption Reporting

Data Collection, Data Aggregation and Consumption Reporting

Our contracts normally cover MOP and DC/DA. We also provide detailed energy management services that allow you to access your data with a view to increasing your energy efficiency and reduce your carbon emissions.

Our Service

Our Service

Our dedicated Connections department has years of experience with Half Hourly meters.



We can supply and install CoP 2, 3, 5 and 10 with options for capital purchase or rental.

MOP Contracts

MOP Contracts

Most MOP contracts are for a 5 year duration. We can provide your business with shorter terms if required.

Complete Quote

Complete Quote

Our quotes include all MOP contract components including communications costs and meter maintenance.


Prices are based on Purchase or Lease Options.

MOP Price List Feb 2021

* If adoption fails then defaults to lease.
** This charge is applied in all the above cases should the meter require a new sim card.

What Code of Practice meter am I?

Industry standards are based on a Code of Practice (Cop) and are determined by your available capacity.

Code of Practice 3 meter = Circuit Capacity greater than 1 Megawatt and not exceeding 10 Megawatts (1001 kVA to 10,000 kVA)

Code of Practice 2 meter = Circuit Capacity greater than 10 Megawatts and not exceeding 100 Megawatts (10,001 kVA to 100,000 kVA)

Code of Practice 5 meter = Circuit Capacity up to and including 1 Megawatt (65 kVA to 1000 kVA)

Code of Practice 10 meter = Circuit Capacity less than 72 kWh for single Half Hourly (HH) whole current meter. This is common for meters upgraded to HH profile following Ofgem P272.

Each Code of Practice will have different Meter Operator (MOP) charges for the Meter Operator, sites which are larger than a Code of Practice 2 meter will be priced according to the work that is required.


1. What are electricity meter measurement classes?

Measurement class defines how an electricity meter measures consumption.

Electricity Meter measurement classes fall into the following categories:
Measurement Class A – Non Half Hourly Metered
Measurement Class B – Non Half Hourly Unmetered
Measurement Class C – HH metered in 100kW Premises
Measurement Class D – Half Hourly Unmetered
Measurement Class E – Half Hourly Metering Equipment at below 100kW Premises with current transformer
Measurement Class F – Half Hourly Metering Equipment at below 100kW Premises with current transformer or whole current, and at Domestic Premises
Measurement Class G – Half Hourly Metering Equipment at below 100kW Premises with whole current and not at Domestic Premises

For further information on Measurement and Profile classes see here:

2. Why do I need a half hourly meter?

For meters with a supply capacity of 65kW or more, half hourly metering is mandatory and essential to obtaining a supply contract.

3. Why do we need this type of meter?

If the meter has a demand of 65kW or more it must be capable of measuring consumption in half hourly periods. These meters send consumption data via a telecom’s sim card and is provided to your electricity supplier to allow them to bill you accurately.

4. What do the meter operator charges cover?

There are various forms of meter provision. You have the option to purchase your meter or lease them.

In all instances the Meter Operator (MOP) provides the maintenance of the half hourly meter as well as installation and callout in the unlikely event of data retrieval faults.

Contact us to find out the difference between the purchase and lease options.

5. What do I need to do to obtain a Meter Operator (MOP) Contract?

Providing Meter Operator services is a competitive industry, and you should compare prices before entering into a MOP contract. 

Contact us for prices.

6. When will you install the meter?

We normally install the meter within 14 working days of receipt of the appointment request and any payments due.

7. What work is required to install the meter?

This is very much dependant on the type of metering required. For CT metering we can install the meter without interrupting the power supply. However for Whole Current metering the power would need to be turned off. In both cases we expect the customers installation made ready with the appropriate meter tails and equipment in place.

8. How do I pay?

An annual invoice is sent to the address provided on the contract or the customer contact form.

9. What if I’m upgrading to half hourly (HH) metering?

If you’re upgrading from non half hourly (NHH) to half hourly (HH) metering, you should ensure that you have HH Meter Operator (MOP) agreement in place beforehand. You are free to choose a MOP of your choice.


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