Business Water Connections

New Mains Water Connections for Businesses

A full range of meters, new water connections, disconnections, increases and decreases in supply and meter sizes, smart metering and Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) as well as Technical Services. Installing new commercial water connections is one of the few sectors open to competition in the market and it advisable to seek a range of prices.

New water connections are important to us, and we work hard to deliver them on time and at competitive prices.

If you require competitive pricing for a new commercial water connection, then contact us now.


Do you need a new water connection, or new water mains?

We provide a tailored service to guide you through the process with a dedicated account manager to keep you up to date and help you manage the whole process. Call us now to speak with one of our experts to arrange your quotation and we will get back to you right away.

When you choose us for a new water connection, you can have confidence that we will get the work completed quickly and efficiently, and importantly, cheaply!

If you think the current water meter in your property needs replacing, removing or enlarging our service will work around your schedule to make sure you have water when you need it, and with minimum disruption to your organisation. Working closely with industry partners, our target is always to minimise timescales for completion and get your water flowing.

We can install, connect, upgrade, downgrade, remove or move meters. We can provide you with the water (and electricity and gas) services you require. Our proven services are efficient and professional, and we make sure you are supported throughout the process.

You will be assigned a dedicated member of staff who will act as your main point of contact. They will know your circumstances and work hard to resolve any issues.

All work carried out by accredited and approved installation engineers.

We only work with accredited engineers who we trust to deliver and ensure a secure water supply for your business in order for it to run smoothly for many years to come.

Moving into a new property?

Make sure you enter into a water supply contract before taking over the property, otherwise you could find yourself on high ‘deemed’ (out of contract) rates for 3 to 4 weeks if you change supplier. It’s always best to compare tariffs from a variety of suppliers as the incumbent supplier may feel no pressure to offer their best prices.

If utilities have not been installed in your property prior to taking possession, then you will need to organise this yourself. You will need to establish the required pipe size as well as think about a water supply contract. Delays in getting water installed an be costly and hold up progress across the site, so planning and acting ahead of time is vital.

Dealing with multiple agencies and technical details can be time consuming and confusing. Why not let Touchstone handle it for you?

Refurbishing, expanding, or upgrading a property.

Are you moving into, refurbishing, or expanding your business premises? If so, your water demand may well change, and this may require a higher capacity water meter or an increase in pipework capacity.

We routinely upgrade water meters, water infrastructure and supply connections for large and small businesses on a regular basis so you can be confident your project will be well managed.

Leaving one property and moving to a new existing property.

Some suppliers could impose early termination fees if you leave in the middle of your current supply contract. Make sure you contact your current supplier and provide at least one month’s notice of your planned moving date.

It’s important to take meter readings for all utilities of both your old and new premises, on the day leave and the day you move in.

You should be prepared to pay a water connection charge when connecting water to a new building.

Choose a Water supplier well in advance to prevent delay.

New water connection pipe size.

A commercial property can use significant amounts of water depending on the type and efficiency of their appliances. The size of the incoming supply pipe will depend on the quantity and types of equipment on your site. You should work with your installers/suppliers to establish your future water demand and discharge volume, as well as potential contaminated discharge.

Your engineer’s design calculations should identify the size of pipework required. This is usually (but not always) one size up from the required meter size – for instance, a 15mm meter would need a 25mm pipe. If you are likely to extend or upgrade your site in the future, you should consider installing an oversized pipe at the initial stage, to keep future upgrade costs to a minimum.

Water Discharge.

Generally speaking you are billed for the same amount of water you send out (waste water) in as you take in, although normally at a different rate. Therefore your incoming supply pipe size will dictate your wastewater pipe size.

However, there are often circumstances when you will be using water onsite and not discharging it as part of your waste-water. Water used in onsite processes may be classed as Trade Effluent due to potential contamination.

Most water authorities use the Mogden Formula to assess just how much they are going to charge for Trade Effluent.


What happens if I move in without signing a new water contract?

If your business moves into a new property with an existing water supply and starts to take water without signing a new supply contract, you could be subject to expensive rates. To avoid this, you should seek a new supply contract prior to occupying the property.

What happens to my water when I move out?

If you are happy with your current supplier, you can contact them to obtain prices for installing new or upgraded service in your new premises, but there are elements of these works that would benefit from competitive pricing.

Before accepting any offer, make sure you compare any prices you are offered by other suppliers. Touchstone can provide a comparison on your behalf to find the best deal.

When connecting to water you will find it is generally uncomplicated but the process of comparing water quotes can be time consuming and complicated.

We realise you will have many things to consider when moving into new premises and getting help and advice on energy and water related matters can save you time and money. Touchstone are well situated to get all your services installed with minimum fuss and provide you with best market rates for your energy contracts.

Did you know?

Installing a  Smart Water Meter in your property can help you reduce your water consumption and costs?

The smart water meter installation process is straightforward.

Our installation partners will install your smart meter in just a couple of hours, so you’ll be up and running in no time.


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